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I just want to put this somewhere on here because it made me smile. I didn't realize anyone had seen my wall link, let alone actually take the time to open it and write on it. Thank you to those who did! I really needed this today lol![]() -12/9/2024 at 2:31PM |
Hello hello hello- it's homework time yet I am here, editing my site. I really want to add more character pages, I have the assets for them, they just happen to be in the wrong places currently. Since I'm here, I will briefly update my speculated one reader on the current events in my life. I sure hope you like commas, because I do, and you're about to encounter many of them. I have (since the last update): had my wisdom teeth removed, stayed the night twice in the dorms despite not living there (thank you Texans and doggo), watched movies with friends (do not watch The Fly in a public area unless you are prepared to feel very self-aware when people walk through the room), been on pain killers for the wisdom teeth removal (hmmm floor time), become annoyed about having a favorite person again (if you know me well you may be aware that it frustrates me to no end when I feel out-of-control of my own thoughts/emotions), consumed ice cream and read somewhat insane literature written by a totally professional human, gone to an In-N-Out, had three AM noodles with Johnny Test/Lewis Robinson, attempted to bake a cheesecake (I failed the first time around so I made the split stuff into muffins, these will be important later), baked a cheesecake, gone to a nearby city with Front Desk Guy and Lewis/Johnny to throw the muffins (I told you they were important) at Dad Joke 1 aka Whimsy, been to Walmart with Lewis, Front Desk Guy, and Whimsy (thank you for the headlights), and gone bowling with previously mentioned group. I am enjoying making friends. I am not enjoying the current jaw pain afforded by my lack of wisdom teeth. I am also not enjoying being a bit behind in homework. I'll be home for Thanksgiving/Loosewheel's birthday, and I hope to complete my tasks while there... this may be wishful thinking. I should come up with another name besides Front Desk Guy for Front Desk Guy. He's got good music taste. Consider this your review, Front Desk Guy. You're cool. On another note, I believe I may have discovered a way to keep my body working! It's called take my meds. -11/19/2024 at 2:02AM |
Good evening dear reader. The reader is my warrior cats enthusiast, as I think he is the only person keeping up with my updates on this website. Hello there creature. My roommate and my dinosaur fanatic are on the floor of the apartment. We are all awaiting the arrival of the texan and co. Tonight we play smash or pass, pokemon edition. If this goes well, I think it'd be fun to make it a tradition. We would have to come up with different sets of characters though, and there aren't as many of others as there are pokemon. The options would inevitably be limited. -11/2/24 at 6:25PM |
"I'm gonna peer review my classmates" -Words spoken before disaster. I've decided to review my classmates. (The ones I have actually been in a room with outside of class). Starting off strong we have the currently red headed icon. They are super cool and I love working with him. She's got a great eye for cool images and I think we should hang out more. Next up is the Texan. "Beautiful", says my favorite warrior cats enthusiast. (He's being subjected to me reading what I've written aloud). "Incredible", says the same enthusiast while laughing. The Texan was the first person I decided I wanted to be friends with in my class. So far as I can tell, that was a good call. He's fun to work with and I love chatting with him outside of class about movies and more. I hope I can make friends with his service dog,,, the farthest I've gotten is managing to pet him (off-duty) while he was distracted. It was very funny. The red headed icon and the Texan run on the same brain wave as I do sometimes, such as when we saw a movie clip in class and all thought the black parade was about to play. (It was not, and we were upset). Moving on we have "Look up Johnny Test", says my warrior cats enthusiast, which I have just done and can confirm that next up is Johnny Test. I think he may be insane. He has a lightsaber though, so I also think he might secretly be crazy. He edited an infinity boat, and it's kind of hard to beat that, so he's chill. One out of one Tripps would go rock climbing with him again. Next up we have dad joke one and dad joke two. One of them won't stop making Tripp (trip) jokes, and the other never seems to run out of the kind of jokes that make me wish I could hold a deadpan face better. Unfortunately for me, I actually find them both hilarious. Also,, one of them does freaking leathwork and wedding shoots so that's kind of insanely awesome. I've noticed that a lot of the people in my major are very skilled. It makes me a bit star struck every time I go to class, which certainly doesn't help my already frazzled nerves. It does help push me to take leaps I would otherwise be more cautious about, though, which could be a blessing or a curse. I can't quite tell yet. Probably both! I have two honorable mentions, but we went to a restaurant after class and haven't done anything outside of that except I went to lunch with Johnny Test and one of them once. We have brother lookalike and Hellsing enthusiast. They seem neat. I've met a wonderful cast of characters on campus, but I am trying to stick to reviewing briefly the people I have actually talked to outside of campus. I'll have to try and organize more outings. This has been my peer review! I might do this again lmao -11/2/24 at 2:04AM |
Good day, night, or afternoon! I had some interesting experiences recently while on my way to and from a wedding. I hit a deer on the way there while I was doing around 40MPH. I'm not sure if it lived- it was pitch black out and I wasn't in a safe enough area to walk back to it. Thankfully, it flew to the side of the road. I sure hope it survived, though. That experience sent me into a bit of a moral crisis, but on my return trip that was set straight when ANOTHER deer bolted across the road while I was doing 30MPH. It is worth noting that my headlights are very dim, and the brights, though they shine farther, provide way less concentrated light than my regular headlights. Anyways, crazy deer no.2 leaps across the road and just barely makes it across, I didn't hit it. A whole lot of screaming went down on both the drive up and the drive down due to these deer. The second deer just made me angry, though, so my moral dilemma was put to a well deserved end. ...Not unlike the de- (I'm not serious, please don't take that serious, humor is a coping mechanism you know.) My roommate has mentioned that we actually have an overpopulation problem with deer, so at least I won't have ruined their chances of living as a species around here. That's all folks! -10/23/24 at 4:51PM |
I'm in University now! I'm a digital cinema major. So far my classes have gone well. I'm already behind on homework, though, due to not logging into moodle for the first week. I'm catching up, though! Just earlier tonight I completed through chapter 4 of my Premiere Pro guide that's the textbook for that class. I'm excited to learn nonlinear editing on a program that isn't CapCut. I've applied for quite a few jobs, with very few returns. I'm looking forward to a potential work-study at the DMC (digital media center) where I need to be most of the time anyways. Within that job, I could actually be gaining professional experience on set, which is a perfect blend of monetary gain and experience for me! I want to work on this website more soon. I have a lot of ideas. EDIT: I want to make all my text posts on this page like this one where it takes up the screen instead of manually breaking the text. -10/11/24 at 8:33PM |
I created S87's page and am considering making Darwin's- but it's getting late, and I'll be moving soon, so I need to sleep in order to up and pack tomorrow. Oh, well. I want to make more character gifs anyways, so I can make some more and then do Darwin's page alongisde some others, like batches. ...I am baking you some nice characters to invest in lol. Anyways, I want to make Rashida's gif next, but am not sure how to manage her crazy hair with the gif style... we shall seeee. -8/22/24 at 12:31AM |
HUZZAH!! Successful creation of the guestbook! It's convieniently located at the top of my main pages and is called "You Talk", since, well- you'll be talking. -8/22/24 at 10:06PM |
Tonight thus far I have added the pages of Casper and Arisu, in that order. I plan to add a way to comment tonight, perhaps on my home page. -8/22/24 at 8:58PM |
I'm hoping to add pages for each of my characters soon, I just need to decide on a format. I also want to make an area for comments/questions, perhaps a guestbook. I'm debating on whether I should link some of my socials or not. I'm also considerng adding my email somewhere in case people wish to reach out regarding business. -8/21/24 at 4:00PM |
"Don't mess it up"-my sister, upon seeing me copy and paste a line of code. "Yup"-her upon reading what I've just written here. "Fabulous"-her yet again. This is entertaining, because she said just prior to this writing venture, that she "hadn't anything to say." -8/15/24 at 11:55AM |
I'm writing here again tonight just to prove I can. It's really exciting, making a website. I look forward to making pages for my characters and story concepts, I have a lot of those. Hopefully someone enjoys looking at my art and writing on here, I should really get a guest list so people can interact a bit. I'm thinking about linking my socials, but I'm not sure if I should, yet. Is it better to link my AO3 and the one cursed story on there, or is it better to link my tiktok/instagram/tumblr? I guess I'll never know. Well, that's all from me tonight. I haven't made a thing for updates, so you'll have to forgive me for that. I plan to make one of those once my site is more usable to me! -8/15/24 at 1:30AM |
Meow, Nya, etc. Testing-testing-1-2-3yeet. I sure hope that this background has a lot of room, or rather the background keeps going even if my writing is larger than the original image. -8/15/24 at 1:13AM |